Saturday, June 20, 2009

Quite the overdue update

Well, since Easter was the last time I wrote a thing on my blog page and my mom has been pestering me to post some updates, I thought now is as good as any time. It's not that I haven't meant to post any updates, life has just been a little hectic to say the least. First, I went through graduation for my masters degree on May 9th. Yes, I did it!! It's been quite the year, but here I stand now with a Masters in Educational Leadership. Yep, that means I'll be a school principal soon!! Or, a curriculum director. :) I'd really like either, and both. I will be teaching kindergarten again next year though. Above, you'll see a couple of pictures. On a side note, I can't figure out how to put pictures anywhere but the top of the past. (Frustrating!!! Somebody help me. :) ) The other people with me are Jeri Heard and Brent Sukut (fellow Laurel School District teachers and Rocky cohort-mates).
The next weekend brought Tay's 1st preschool graduation program. I say 1st, because he will be in preschool for one more year before entering kindergarten. He really loves singing and "performing" in his programs. It's really quite cute how he gets into it. Might I have a little entertainer on my hands? I just can't believe he'll be going into kindergarten in one more year..... YIKES!! But, he continues to prove to me over and over again that he really is capable of quite a bit of independence. Moms, how do you learn to let go??? I know he's still young and the letting go is just beginning, but I still feel like I need to it all for him.
I'll keep you up to date as we hopefully have some fun adventures now that summer has finally begun!!