Saturday, October 3, 2009

All About Tay.....

Boy am I terrible at blogging! It's been 3 months since my last post with many missed opportunities to write in between. But, here we go with some news about Tay! This little guy has had a busy 2 months! First, he lost his first tooth in August.

Then, he started his first year of soccer in the 4 and 5 year old age group. He absolutely loved it, and I enjoyed watching him begin to learn the game and gain some self-confidence! This morning was his last game of the season in which he played his most aggressive game. In fact, I had to tell him a few times that the kids on his team were there to help him...... not take the ball from him. He was awarded a medal for the season and has yet to take it off today. I love that he is so proud of his accomplishment!

Tay also had his 1st day of preschool in September! He sure loves his new school and teacher. He went on his first field trip to the railroad and was very excited to be able to blow the horn on the engine. this month he gets to go to the pumpkin patch and the fire hall. Next month, he will be going to see "Goodnight Moon" and "Runaway Bunny" at the Alberta Bair Theater. How fun!

On September 8th, he turned 5, much to the dismay of his mother! I can hardly believe it still! I even had to hold back the tears on my way to work that morning. ( I know, I know.... it seems a little ridiculous) Spiderman is his favorite character now, so he had requested a big cookie with spiderman on it for his birthday. I was quite happy with his request, as that is an incredibly easy thing to make and decorate. I also included some cupcakes with spiderwebs on them. He had such a good time on his special day!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Tay!!

    Good job on the cake and cupcakes.

    Looks like your having fun being a Mom!
